Getting Started with LearningCart


We are excited to help you get up and running with the LearningCart e-commerce LMS platform! We know you are eager to get your site designed, courses loaded, and products created so you can start making courses available to your customers, partners and resellers. We have designed this portion of the Help Center to quickly walk you through the basic steps of using & configuring your site. Throughout the Help area there will be quick links available for you to jump around as well as many video tutorials showing you how specific features or aspects of the platform work.

The Help area is constantly updated with content based on new feature releases as well as the addition of videos on a regular basis. Keep in mind you can contact us with any questions or issues you have and the best way of doing so is by submitting a ticket when logged in as an Admin to your site under Help > Support Portal.

Configuring Settings

This section covers –

Video Tutorials available for this section

Templates and Design

Templates and Design will be instrumental in your initial set up. This link to the main Templates and Design section of the Help Center is included in this Getting Started section to aid in the checklist of pieces you will want to configure before going live. Go to Templates and Design.  

Building a Product

This section covers –

Video Tutorials available for this section

System Text and Messaging

This section discusses where and how to configure the system text from your resource file. Go to System Text and Messaging.


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