In LearningCart Customers are users who have access to the public facing portion of the site. Customer accounts are created when a user registers on the site, places an order, or when an admin creates them. Each customer account in LearningCart has a customer details page in the admin that displays the full details of their account.
To edit/view a customer, go to Manage Users -> Customers in the left-hand navigation menu of your LearningCart site. A variety of filters are located at the top of the page to assist you in locating the desired customer. Once you have located the entry for the customer you want to view/edit click ‘Details’.
From the Customer Details page, an admin can view / edit customer profile and order information, a customer’s transcript, and their content access.
Customer/Order Information
This tab contains all relevant information regarding the customer. The top links lead you to various technical information regarding the customer’s profile.

Login History
This link displays the date and IP address for each login.

Activity Log
This link displays the date and type of activity for this user.

Export Customer Data
This link downloads a zip file containing all the stored Customer data in CSV format. This file includes any relevant CMI data (from SCORM modules), course completion data, order data, their profile data and quiz results. This export can be used for GDPR purposes, for example to provide a user with the right to data portability.

Edit Customer Info
This link will take you to the user’s profile where you can edit user information, including resetting their email address and password.

Manage Password
This link takes you directly to a password management screen allowing you to set a new password or password expiration rule.

Below the technical links you will find Customer Details, Customer Groups, a place to Assign Products to the Customer, Registration Code Users, and Order History.
Customer Details
The customer details give you an overview of the user’s profile. You can edit the customer’s information by using the link above entitled ‘Edit Customer Info’.
The user is assigned a status from the following options:
Active: an active user that has access to the site.
Inactive: a user whose account has been deactivated by an administrator.
Locked: a user whose account has automatically been locked due to suspicious activity.
To update a user’s status, select the appropriate value from the drop-down list and then click ‘Update Status’. If the user has no order history or access to products, a Delete User button will display. When clicked, a confirmation popup will appear. Click ‘OK’ to permanently delete the user.

To impersonate a user, click ‘Impersonate User’. A new browser window will open allowing you to view the site logged in as the impersonated user. Any changes made to a user’s account while impersonated by an admin will be tracked in the activity log (link above Customer Details) for reference.
To edit tax exemption status, click ‘Add / Remove Exemption’.
Customer Groups
In the Customer Groups section of the customer details page you will see any groups that the customer has been assigned to. Groups can be manually assigned to a customer by clicking into the field and selecting the desired group from the dropdown. To remove a group assignment, click the ‘X’ on the group tile you want removed, then click ‘Save’. For more information on creating groups and automations, go to Groups.
Assign Product to Customer
To add access to a product without creating an order, select the product using the dropdown list and click ‘Save’. An order will be completed at zero dollars for the customer and will show in the customer’s order history. The customer will receive an order confirmation email and immediate access to the product in their learning portal.
Registration Code Users
If the customer has purchased multiple seats for a product and has sent out registration codes to specific users, this list will display the users that have completed registration. Note: users who have been sent an email invitation to register but have not completed the registration (see Pending Invite under Registration Codes) will not be shown in this list.
From this section, an admin can click ‘Remove’ next to a user’s name to remove that registration code access from their account. That user will no longer be able to access that product in their learning portal and the registration code will be returned to customer to redistribute to another user. For more information on Registration Codes, see here.
An admin can also go directly to a user’s profile page by clicking ‘View User’.
Finally, an admin can quickly add the current customer and all associated registration code users to a group. For more information on Groups, see here.
Order History
This section lists all the orders that this customer has placed. To view specific information on an order, click ‘Details’. For more information on the Order Details page, go to Orders.
Customer Transcript
The Customer Transcript tab shows all content a customer has access and the progress and expiration date of each content item.
Adjusting Completion Status
Completion of a course is based on completing all the required items in the course. Since a course can be made up of multiple items, each with their own score, there is no score on the course as a whole. Courses can be marked as complete or incomplete. We do however record the score on all the content items within a course.
To manually change a customer's score, mark their attendance as complete (for in person events) or set the completion date and time click ‘Edit’ next to the desired course item. A new window will load. You may then specify a customer's status, completion date and time or score. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes. Click ‘Clear CMI Data’ to remove all stored CMI data (SCORM modules only).
To add a Quiz Completion, locate the quiz item in the transcript and click ‘Add Completion’ next to the Quiz. A popup window will load. You may then adjust Quiz status, Submission Date & Time, and Quiz Score. Click ‘Update’ when finished. When the status is changed to passed, a record will be added to the Quiz Response Report with the correct answers selected.
Next to each quiz in the transcript you will also see a link to View Responses and view Quiz Submissions. Clicking ‘View Reponses’ will pull up a report for that user indicating which responses they chose for each quiz question. Clicking ‘Quiz Submissions’ will show you the dates the user attempted the quiz with the option to manually remove a submission. Removing a submission can be useful if you have set up your quiz to only allow a user X number of attempts. By removing a previous submission, you can allow them the ability to then retake a quiz.
Content Access
On the Customer Details page, the Content Access tab lists all products a customer currently has access to.
To adjust the dates a customer has access to a product, click ‘Edit’ next to the product in question. You can then enter the Start Date and End Date you would like to use. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes.
Note: The expiration date generated by the system is based on the date of the order or import, not when the account is created or the user logs in.
Access is always calculated at the time of purchase. If a product access duration is changed, customers who purchased previously will still have the same, original access. Using this feature allows you to extend or shorten how long your customer has access to a product.
Note: The Content Access page will list a complete history of access based on all customer's purchases/assigned access. As such, it is expected that some customers may have multiple entries for a single product in this table.
Importing Customers
To import or create new customer accounts, navigate to Manage Users -> Customers in the admin left-hand navigation menu. In the top right-hand corner, you will see an option to Add Customer or Import Customers.
Adding a customer will allow you to simply fill out a user profile form for a new customer account.
Importing Customers is ideal If you want to set up one or more customers with an account and with access to training. When importing customers, you will encounter the following fields:
Import Type: You can select between a CSV file import or manually entering a user’s information for the accounts you want to create.
CSV File
Import File: When importing a CSV file, you can opt to use the template provided by the system or upload your own file* with the following field names:
- First Name: First Name
- Last Name: Last Name
- Email: Email Address
- Password: If left blank, the system will provide an auto-generated password to the user.
- Group ID: if the user should be part of a group, enter the Group ID. If Group ID is not used, leave this column blank.
- Price ID: enter the Price ID for the Product. This can be found on the Product Details page. If you wish to include access to multiple products, create new rows for those products.
- Cost: enter the Product price for this order.
*The system can support csv imports for files with up to 250 rows.
Enter User Information
Manual Import Users:
- First Name: First Name
- Last Name: Last Name
- Email: Email Address
- Password: If left blank, the system will provide an auto-generated password to the user.
- Group: Use the dropdown or search bar to assign this user into an existing group.
- Product: Use the dropdown or search bar to assign this user an existing product.
To add more than one user, simply click 'Add Another User'.
Once you have either entered your users or selected the CSV file you want to use, complete the following fields:
Require Password Change: When checked, customers will be required to change their password when they sign in for the first time.
Send Welcome Email: When set to ‘Yes’, the email specified below will automatically be sent to each user in your import file.
Email Subject: The subject of the email the customer will receive.
Additional Text: Any additional text you would like included in the welcome email to the customer.
Once complete, click ‘Submit’.
Erasing Customer Data
The Erase Customer Data option clears all the personal, identifiable information (profile) and erases any data submitted in a form. It does not delete the orders that have been placed. The customer record still exists, but the information in the record is removed except for customer ID and create date. This is irreversible. Since all data about this user is removed this feature can be used to accommodate the GDPR right to be forgotten.
The customer status must be set to Inactive to use this function.
To erase all data for the customer, select the Erase Customer Data button. A pop-up confirmation window will display. Click Remove Customer Data to delete the user data.
Note: This action cannot be undone.
Deleting Users
The Delete User option is available only when an account contains no Order History or no access to a product.
This option will delete any data submitted in a form, all orders associated with the user and the customer record.
To delete a user, select the Delete User button. A pop-up confirmation window will display. Click OK to delete the user.
Note: This action cannot be undone.