Intelligent User Registration

Everybody hates when they go to create an account on a website, only to be presented a long registration form. LearningCart seeks to make account setup a breeze by intelligently detecting what a user is trying to do and then requesting only the information that is needed.

LearningCart currently supports two different types of registration forms which we refer to as the “short form” and “full form”.   Profile fields on both of these forms are customizable and can be tailored to exactly what information our clients want to capture from their users.

So how does this work? Let’s say a user has been given a registration code, or wants to comment on a blog.  In that case we simplify their registration as much as possible. LearningCart will detect the user’s action and display the short form – only requiring a few key pieces of information, such as email address, password and name.

In the case of a user purchasing a product, LearningCart needs to capture more data (such as billing and shipping information).  In this instance LearningCart will intelligently display the full form to gather the additional information.

From a profile standpoint the forms are interchangeable – so if a user initially completes the short form and then goes on to purchase a product

Tags: features, User Registration, User Profile, Account Setup
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