Facebook Login

Facebook login is an optional feature that lets users easily login to your LearningCart site utilizing their Facebook account.

Here’s how it works:

When the Facebook login feature is enabled all login pages in the LearningCart system contain a “login with facebook” icon.  If a user clicks the “login with facebook” icon a popup window will be displayed from facebook.com. The user can then login with their Facebook account. Once the user is logged in LearningCart is automatically sent several pieces of information from Facebook. This information is analyzed to determine if this is a new LearningCart user or someone who has previously logged in to your site.

In the case of a new user LearningCart will automatically retrieve the user’s first name, last name, email address and Facebook username and use that information to create a new LearningCart account for them. They are then automatically logged in and redirected as necessary.

In the case of a returning user we retrieve the same information mentioned above and use it to automatically update the user’s existing LearningCart account. They are then automatically logged in and redirected as necessary.

The goal of the Facebook login feature is to streamline the login process for new users. This feature is especially great for users that may want to comment on a blog or participate in a free module without having to go through the process of setting up an account.

Tags: features, Login, Authentication, Facebook Login
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